1.2 — Ad caeli clara

NotazioneDatazionesec. X; ?
NoteA formal script employing Aquitanian signs whose disposition displays relative diastematy: for a full description of the hand that added notation to other poems in this manuscript, see the entry for Qui de morte. A second notation now much lighter in ink colour is barely visible between the neumes of line i (not included in the transcription) and is clearer over the first two syllables of the second stanza.
2a, 3c, 2a, 2a, 1c, 1c, 1c, 1c, 2b, 2b, 1c, 2b | 2a, 2a, 1b, 1b, 1b, 1c, 1c, 1c, 2b, 2b, 1c, 2b | 2a, 2a, 1c, 1c, 1c, 1c, 1c, 2b, 1c, 1c, 2a, 4'''e | 2''b, 1c, 3c, 1c+4c'', 1b || 2a, 3c
di confronto
 XAdcaeli-1   XAdcaeli-2
MelodiaSequences of neumes are repeated within the strophe in the following pattern: ab, cb', cd, e. The few neumes added by the second hand to the second strophe are identical to those of the first strophe, although those added to the first strophe by the second hand are not.
TrasmissioneNo similarities between the melodic profiles of the four surviving notated melodies can be claimed with any degree of certainty (see the book entry for parallel transcription). However, similar melodic patterns can be observed in Pa lat. 1154 and the first strophe of Pa lat. 8318, namely ab, cb', cd, e. The melodic profiles recorded in Be 455 and the second strophe of Pa lat. 8318 may also be said to share points of similarity; in this case, a pattern that may be summarized as A, A', B, c.