Notation | Date | 10th c. CE 2nd half |
Type | German | |
Notes | A German notation with a generally more upright axis than used in St Gall scripts. There is, nevertheless, variation from a near horizontal to near diagonal axis in the drawing of several forms, especially the liquescent virga (or ''2b'', compare the forms in line 3), pes (or 2a, compare forms in lines 2 and 3) and clivis (or 2b, compare forms in lines 3 and 4). Individual strokes are not always cleanly executed, witness the penultimate and fifth neume in the third line, but there is attention to detail in the consistency with which liquescences are signaled. | |
Transcript | Diplomatic Transcription | Arbornatusmunich |
Alphanumeric transcript | ''2b'', ''2b'', 1a, 2b, ''2b'', 2b, 1a, 2b, 1a, 2b, 1a, ''2b'', 2a, 3a'', 1a | ''2b'', 1a, 2a, 2V, 2a, ''2b'', 1a, 2b, 1a, ''2b'', 1a, 1a, ''2b'', 3a'', 1a | ''2b'', 1a, ''2b'', 4c, 2a, 2b, 1a, ''2b'', 1a | 2b, 4e, 2b, 4e, 2b, 1a, ''2b'', 4e, 2b | |
Melody | The cadences in the first two lines, both within the line (at pa-radiso and gustavit), and at the ends of the line (at si-casset and consum-mavit) are similar in profile: it is possible that the same melodic shape was adapted for the first two lines. The fourth line is more consistently melismatic than those preceding. | |
Transmission |